

 city planning

 team operates on the premise that cities are interdependent flows of energy, mobility, waste, and physical form. Our services therefore integrate these different components into a coherent and functional whole, allowing people to seamlessly live, work, and play.

Although cities have been around for thousands of years, the twenty-first century is providing first glimpses of the radical changes that will impact urban living in the coming years. There are many ingredients to this transformation: the pervasiveness of data, the exponentially decreasing cost of sensors and computational power, advances in artificial intelligence, and the rise of self-driving vehicles.

At Laceco, we have accumulated a deep technical understanding of what makes a city work: complementary land uses and densities, an urban fabric that is conducive to livable streets, strategically positioned public spaces, and flexible forms that can adapt to different functions. We are currently in the process of integrating our city planning fundamentals with the emerging disruptive trends that we are witnessing in some cities of North America and Asia. Our city planning team is now advising clients on city ventures that are designed around connectivity, rationalization of energy consumption, and flexibility in governance (e.g. less rigid zoning frameworks).



Strategy of development
Urban planning
Urban design
Landscape design
Transportation solutions
Roads and Infrastructure